Are you passionate about compassionate parenting yet sometimes find yourself feeling like this mother above?

Do you ever get really frustrated when your child won't cooperate, and end up using your greater intellectual or physical power over her?

Or maybe you sometimes give up on getting your needs met when you're with your child?

Would you like understand why you sometimes feel powerless and use your power over your child?

Do you want to find a new and feminine definition of power?

Would you like to reclaim your power with integrity and compassion?

Do you want to know how to avoid using power over your child?

Would you love to help your child stay connected to her authentic power?

If so, I invite you to sign up below to access my free Power and Powerlessness Intro. Course.

It's in audio, video and ebook formats, so you can choose which style you prefer.

Love, Marion xx

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If you want to find out more about my paid Power and Powerlessness in Parenting online course, click HERE!

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